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Pedicia rivosa

Pedicia rivosa

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Fly (Diptera)
Subordination : Mosquitoes (Nematocera)
Partial order : Tipulomorpha
Superfamily : Tipuloidea
Family : Pediciidae
Scientific name
East Sack , 1860
  • Pediciinae
  • Ulinae

The pediciidae are a family of insects of the order Diptera (Diptera). They are closely related to the gnats and wilts and were considered a subfamily of one of these families until 1982. As such, they are still listed in numerous editions and directories. Some taxonomists, particularly in North America, continue to consider them a subfamily, but family classification is now widely accepted in Europe. The family comprises 10 genera with around 500 species worldwide, 67 of them in Europe.


Like all flies, wilts and relatives, the Pediciidae are relatively large, long-legged mosquitoes with an elongated abdomen. They essentially have the characteristics of their relationship, such as: B. a v-shaped suture on the mesonotum and the absence of ocelles . Among the other widgeon-like species, the Pediciidae are characterized by a combination of hairy eyes, appendages (spurs) on the tibia and special features in the wing veins. In contrast to the real Schnaken (Tipulidae) the head is not extended forward to a rostrum. The largest European species is Pedicia rivosa with a wing length of 25 mm. The Pediciidae mostly live in shaded, damp places, close to the habitats (mostly bodies of water) in which their larvae have developed.


The larvae of the Pediciinae are elongated and cylindrical. The small, backward-opening ("hemicephale") head capsule can be pulled back into the body and is then not visible. On the head are a pair of short antennae and long, sickle-shaped mandibles , sometimes with large teeth on the inside. Between the mandibles a semicircular forward stretched hypostomal plate is visible, which carries a different number of long teeth. The uniformly structured, mostly whitish-colored body sometimes has pillow-shaped, thorny creeping bulges (genus Ula ) or five pairs of wreath-shaped thorny pseudopods (genus Dicranota ) on the ventral side . In the genus Pedicia it has two wart-shaped, small protuberances. Similar to Tipulidenlarven carry Pediciidenlarven at the back end of two striking and large spiracles , sitting on a sclerotic, dark colored Stigmenplatte. However, there are always fewer lobes or finger-shaped marginal appendages than in the mosquito larvae (in these: six), usually only two. Since these can then look like antennae, it is easy to confuse the front and rear ends of the animals (especially when the head is retracted). In addition to the marginal lobes, there are usually two pairs of shorter, retractable anal papillae.

Pediciid larvae are quite diverse in their way of life. The larvae of the genus Ula feed on fungi in partially decomposed deadwood in forests. Most other species live in or on the banks of water. Like the gnat larvae, many feed on fallen leaves and other soft, partially decomposed plant remains. The larvae of the genera Pedicia and Dicranota are predators. They can be found in running waters, often in streams, from lowland streams to mountain streams. Pedicia larvae need clean and cold water, they are mainly found in springs.

Most species form one generation per year (monovoltin), some can form two generations (bivoltin).


The family includes 10 recent genera in 2 subfamilies.


Individual evidence

  1. J. Starý (1992): Phylogeny and classification of Tipulomorpha, with special emphasis on the family Limoniidae. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 35: 11-36.
  2. Herman de Jong, Pjotr ​​Oosterbroek, Jon Gelhaus, Herbert Reusch, Chen Young (2008): Global diversity of craneflies (Insecta, Diptera: Tipulidea or Tipulidae sensu lato) in freshwater. Hydrobiologia 595: 457-467 doi : 10.1007 / s10750-007-9131-0
  3. Catalog of the Craneflies of the World , accessed March 29, 2016.
  4. NP Krivosheina (2011): New data on the larval morphology of limoniid flowing of the genus Ula (Diptera, pediciidae). Entomological Review 91 (4): pp. 432-443. doi : 10.1134 / S001387381104004X
  5. Catalog of the Craneflies of the World , accessed March 29, 2016.


  • L. Ujvarosy, LP Kolcsar, M. Balint, M. Ciprian (2010): Pediciidae larvae (Insecta, Diptera) in the carpathian basin: preliminary results and further perspectives. Acta biologica debrecina, Supplementum oecologica hungarica 21: 233-246
  • Herbert Reusch & Pjotr ​​Oosterbroek: Diptera Limoniidae et Pediciidae. In: Aquatic Insects of North Europe . Vol. 2 (ed. By Anders Nilsson). Stenstrup (Apollo Books) 1997.

Web links

Commons : Pediciidae  - collection of images, videos and audio files