Penile edema

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A penile edema ( engl. Penile endemà ) is the storage of water from the vascular system into the connective tissue of the penis .

Causes and clinical picture

Penile edema caused by the cytokine interleukin-11 as a result of vascular leak syndrome

As with all edema , penile edema also has a significant imbalance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressure . This equilibrium is described by the Starling equation . In normal tissue, the hydrostatic pressure slightly outweighs the oncotic pressure, so that a small proportion of the intravascular fluid always passes into the interstitium . In the interstitium, the fluid is drained away via the lymphatic system . If too much fluid (essentially water) flows from the vascular system into the connective tissue, there is an accumulation of water there, an edema. This can usually be seen as swelling in the periphery of the body.

The symptom of penile edema can be caused by a variety of diseases and syndromes , some of which are very different , all of which result in increased fluid transfer into the connective tissue or inadequate fluid evacuation via the lymphatic system of the penis. For example, pronounced heart failure can lead to penile edema.

External influences, such as the administration of cytokines that cause vascular leak syndrome , can also cause edema in the penis. In the radiation therapy of urethral cancer a chronic penile edema, one of the undesirable side effects to be. With erectile tissue auto-injection therapy (SKAT), penile edema is an undesirable side effect in less than 1% of cases. Penile sand flea bites can also lead to penile edema.

Penile edema can lead to dysuria (urinary bladder emptying disorder).

Differential diagnosis

The are of the penile edema priapism (pathological priapism), cavernitis ( inflammation of one or more corpora cavernosa of the penis) and penis hematoma delineate (bruise) diagnostically. On the other hand, priapism can lead to penile edema even at a later stage.


Therapy is essentially by treating the underlying cause of penile edema. Wound edema on the penis can be avoided with adequate wound drainage .

further reading

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A. Wiedemann: Management of geriatrically relevant penile changes. In: Geriatrics Practice 5/6, 2009
  2. W. Kai-feng, P. Hong-ming, L. Hai-zhou, S. Li-rong, Z. Xi-yan: Interleukin-11-induced capillary leak syndrome in primary hepatic carcinoma patients with thrombocytopenia. (PDF; 1.2 MB) In: BMC Cancer 11, 2011, 204. doi : 10.1186 / 1471-2407-11-204 ( Open Access )
  3. ^ H. Rübben: uro-oncology. Verlag Springer, 2009, ISBN 3-642-01381-3 , p. 483. Limited preview in the Google book search
  4. ^ H. Mehnert: Diabetology in clinic and practice. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-135-12805-9 , p. 636. Restricted preview in the Google book search
  5. GA Smith, V. Sharma, JF Knapp, BJ Shields: The summer penile syndrome: seasonal acute hypersensitivity reaction caused by chigger bites on the penis. In: Pediatric emergency care Volume 14, Number 2, April 1998, pp. 116-118, ISSN  0749-5161 . PMID 9583392 .
  6. ME Tammer, K. Plogmeier, W. Schneider: Surgical treatment of Skrotumödems at elephantiasis congenita hereditaria (type Meige). In: Der Urologe A Volume 41, Number 5, 2002, pp. 493-495, doi : 10.1007 / s00120-001-0156-0
  7. R. Hauptmann: Urology. Verlag Springer, 2010, ISBN 3-642-01158-6 , p. 507. Restricted preview in the Google book search