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The Pentapolis (Greek Πεντάπολις , penta "five" and polis "city") is a union of five cities. Such city associations are:

  • Pentapolis (Bible) , in the Bible mentioned group of five cities in the Siddim valley near the Dead Sea, namely Sodom and Gomorrah, Adma, Zebojim and Bela
  • Pentapolis (Palestine) , the philist city-states Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gat and Ekron
  • Pentapolis (Cyrenaica) , the cities of Cyrene, Ptolemais, Apollonia, Taucheira and Euhesperides in Cyrenaica in today's Libya
  • Doric Pentapolis , after the exclusion of Halicarnassus, a five-city league consisting of Kos on the island of the same name, Knidos in Caria, Lindos, Ialysos and Kameiros on Rhodes
  • Pontic Pentapolis , union of the Greek cities Apollonia, Kallatis, Mesembria, Odessos and Tomis on the west coast of the Black Sea
  • Phrygian Pentapolis , union of the Phrygian cities Eukarpia, Hieropolis, Otrus, Stektorion and Bruzos
  • Pentapolis (Italy) , the Italian cities of Rimini, Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia and Ancona on the Adriatic coast
  • Pentapolitana , a union of Upper Hungarian free cities consisting of Košice, Levoča, Bardejov, Prešov and Sabinov
  • Pentapolis (M'zab) , the five Mozabite cities Ghardaia, Melika, Bou Noura, Beni Isguen and Atteuf


See also: