Per Martin-Löf

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Per Martin-Löf 2004

Per Erik Rutger Martin-Löf (born May 8, 1942 ) is a Swedish mathematical logician and philosopher .

Martin-Löf was a student of Andrei Kolmogorow at Lomonossow University from 1964–1965 , who also supervised his dissertation at Stockholm University in 1970 ( Notes on constructive mathematics ). Before that, in 1968/69 he was assistant professor at the University of Chicago under William Alvin Howard , whose Curry-Howard isomorphism was later one of the foundations of Martin-Löf's type theory . Martin-Löf is Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy at Stockholm University.

During his time in Moscow he also refined the concept of the random sequence. In 1971 he introduced his intuitionist type theory (also called Martin Löf type theory or constructive type theory), which he reformed several times, since the first approaches that generalized Jean-Yves Girard's “System F” were inconsistent, due to one of Girard discovered paradoxes. A number of computerized proof systems such as NuPRL, LEGO, Coq, ALF, Agda, Twelf and Epigram are based on Löf's type theory. Later he turned increasingly to philosophical questions of logic.

Martin-Löf also dealt with statistics, for example with the exponential family , the EM algorithm , the problem of missing data in statistics, statistical models, probability on semigroups . The statistician Rolf Sundberg is one of his students .

Martin-Löf is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Academia Europaea . In 2006 he was Gödel-Lecturer ( The two layers of logic ), in 2012 he gave the Tarski Lectures . In 2020 he and Dag Prawitz received the Rolf Schock Prize for Philosophy.

He is the brother of statistician and physicist Anders Martin-Löf (* 1940), professor of actuarial mathematics in Stockholm.

Martin-Löf is a passionate ornithologist and published a paper in 1961 to deduce the death rate from the finds of ringed birds.


  • Intuitionistic Type Theory , Bibliopolis, Naples 1984
  • On the Meanings of the Logical Constants and the Justifications of the Logical Laws , Lectures, University of Siena 1983
  • Statistics from the point of view of statistical mechanics , lecture, Math. Institute University of Aarhus 1966
  • Notes on constructive mathematics , Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1970
  • The continuity theorem on a locally compact group , Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen, Volume 10, 1965, pp. 367-371.
  • Probability theory on discrete semigroups , Journal of Probability Theory and Related Areas, Volume 4, 1965, pp. 78-102
  • Exact tests, confidence regions and estimates , Proceedings of Conference on Foundational Questions in Statistical Inference (Aarhus, 1973), pp. 121-138, Memoirs, No. 1, Dept. Theoretically. Statist., Inst. Math., Univ. Aarhus, Aarhus, 1974.
  • Constructive mathematics and computer programming , in Cohen (editor): Logic, Methodology and the Philosophy of Science VI , North Holland 1982, pp. 153-175

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Martin-Löf On the definition of random sequences , Information and Control, Volume 9, 1966, pp. 602-619
  2. Martin-Löf Mortality rate calculations on ringed birds with special reference to the Dunlin Calidris alpina , Arkiv för Zoologi, Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, Series 2, Volume 13, 1961