Pere Sastre Obrador

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Cometa-Giro-Avión , restored model, exhibition in Llucmajor 2010
Cometa-Giro-Avión , hand drawing by the inventor

Pere Sastre Obrador , better known as Pere de Son Gall (* 1895 in Llucmajor , Mallorca Island , † 1965 there ), was a Mallorcan farmer, inventor and Spanish aviation pioneer. In the early 1900s he developed the first Spanish gyroplane as an autodidact .


The name Pere de Son Gall refers to Son Gall , the name of the agricultural estate owned by Pere Sastre Obrador's parents. His father died when he was very young. Together with his mother and sister, he had to take over the work on the farm.

However, he was interested in technology and physics. He studied numerous books on mathematics and aeronautical engineering. His vision was to build an aircraft that could hover on the spot, fly over land, and land and take off at sea. He made numerous drawings, documents and test models. In 1920 he began building the aircraft in a barn, which was supposed to be powered by a 3-cylinder radial engine from a motorcycle. He called his construction Cometa-Giro-Avión . He replaced the originally planned four-blade propeller with a two-blade propeller.

Since Pere Sastre did not have the financial means to make his construction airworthy, he traveled to Madrid with the plans and pictures and presented his idea to the Spanish Minister of War, Don Juan de La Cierva y Peñafiel . The minister refused support, the construction plans remained in Madrid.

Juan de la Cierva , the minister's son, patented Sastre's invention as an autogiro . Cierva's further developed replica started on January 17, 1923 with the military pilot Gómez Spencer for the first flight attempts. A fortnight later the first real flight over a distance of four kilometers was successful.

Sastre fought for recognition for many years, and it was only after his death that his invention became public. The plagiarism allegation was reported in the Spanish press, radio and television. In 2011 the Spanish TV broadcaster IB3 showed a documentary.

Posthumous appreciation

  • In the city of Llucmajor, a street was named after Sastre.
  • The Institute for Vocational Education and Training (IES) was named after his name.
  • The municipality of Llucmajor has presented the model of the first Spanish gyroplane by Pere de Son Gall in several exhibitions since 1979.


  • Miquel Dolç: Gran Enciclopedia de Mallorca. Vol. 16, Promomallorca, Palma de Mallorca 1991, ISBN 84-86617-41-3 , pp. 37-38. (Catalan)
  • Joan Salvà i Caldés: El precursor llucmajorer de l'helicòpter: Pere Sastre Obrador, de Son Gall (1895–1965). Lleonard Muntaner, Palma de Mallorca 2010, ISBN 978-84-15076-17-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a short historical overview on
  2. ¿Plagió De la Cierva el autogiro? on with photo of Sastres Cometa-Giroavión
  3. Más sobre el plagio del helicóptero de Pere de Son Gall on with copies of drawings and photos of the Cometa-Giroavión
  4. Pere de Son Gall y la leyenda del plagio on
  5. El documental el Cometa Giroavió a IB3 Televisió ( Memento of the original from July 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Carrer Pere de Son Gall on