Periscope (app)

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Basic data

developer Twitter
Publishing year March 26, 2015
Current  version 1.17.1 ( Android )
November 4, 2017

1.13.1 ( iOS )
November 3, 2017

operating system Android , iOS , web application
programming language Go
category Direct video transmission

Periscope is a mobile application available for Android and iOS for direct video transmission in real time . It was originally developed by Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein. The new company to market the application, which was initially only available for iOS, was acquired in March 2015 for an unknown sum from Twitter , which made the application available for Android in the App Store and Google Play in the following May .


Live broadcast of a guided tour through the Städelsche Kunstinstitut under the hashtag # 200jahrestaedel

You can register using a Twitter account or telephone number. Videos can be viewed with the application or in the browser. They can be commented on and rated by consent ("like"). In the beginning, only portrait shots were supported. It is possible to limit the addressees to selected viewers. You can also choose who you want to follow and you will be informed when the relevant person goes on air. The real-time videos are cached with a delay time of 24 hours after the initial broadcast and are then no longer available. However, it is possible to permanently save your own direct broadcasts or video streams on the mobile phone.

Copyright issue

The simple direct video transmission creates the problem of copyright infringement for concerts. The US Open golf tournament in June 2015 was the first major sporting event at which the host of the USGA expressly announced that supervisory staff controlled the tournament and the portals, and that those spectators who broadcast the tournament with Periscope or the competitor Meerkat would receive a reprimand.

Use and dissemination

A private direct broadcast with thousands of viewers took place on June 26, 2015 by Roger Federer , who broadcast for about a quarter of an hour from the Wimbledon facility what he had previously announced on Twitter. In the United States, crimes such as rape were broadcast live on the app in several cases, which sparked heated discussions.

On April 2, 2016, Slick Chix Lifestyle and iCom solutions group presented the first Periscope Awards.

PeriscopeTV is a television station based on Periscope.

Individual evidence

  1. Thousands saw Federer filming live and leading through Wimbledon. ( Memento of the original from June 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Bluewin . June 26, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Teen Faces 40 Years In Prison For Live-Streaming Her Friend's Rape On Periscope

Web links

Commons : Periscope  - collection of images, videos and audio files