Petar Guberina

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Bust of Petar Guberina in Zagreb

Petar Guberina (born May 22, 1913 in Šibenik ; † January 22, 2005 in Zagreb ) was a Croatian Romance scholar , phonetician , phonologist and foreign language teacher.

life and work

Guberina studied at the University of Zagreb with Petar Skok , whose first assistant he became. After graduating in 1935, he went to the Sorbonne and received his doctorate there in 1939 under Pierre Fouché and Jules Marouzeau with the work Valeur logique et valeur stylistique des propositions complexes en français et en croate (Zagreb 1939; ud T. Valeur logique et valeur stylistique des propositions complexes Théorie générale et application au français 1954, Paris 1993). After the World War he taught as a professor of French at the University of Zagreb until 1983. He then headed the Institute for Phonetics he founded in 1954.

Guberina developed the verbo-tonal method (SUVAG) for speech training of the deaf and the global-structural audiovisual method (AVGSM or SGAV) for foreign language teaching.

From 1963 Guberina was a member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts , after Croatia's independence of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts . He was an officer in the Legion of Honor (1989).

Other works

  • (with Kruno Krstić) Razlike izmedu hrvatskoga i srpskoga književnog jezika , Zagreb 1940, Mainz 1977
  • Problemi ljudskog izraza, povezanost jezičnih elemenata , Zagreb 1952
  • Zvuk i pokret u jeziku , Zagreb 1952
  • (Ed. With Paul Rivenc ) Voix et Images de la France. Cours audio-visuel de français , Paris 1960, 1968, 1973
  • Case studies in the use of restricted bands of frequencies in auditory rehabilitation of [the] deaf , Zagreb 1972
  • Rétrospection , ed. by Claude Roberge, Zagreb 2003 (Spanish: Saragossa 2008)


  • Silvio Zatelli, Il metodo verbo-tonale di Petar Guberina. Il corpo ed il suo linguaggio. Simbiosi della comunicazione verbale e corporea , Turin 1980
  • Britta Frenzel, The verbo-tonal method according to Petar Guberina, in: Hörgeschädigte Kinder 39, 2002, pp. 86–91
  • Linguistique de la parole et apprentissage des langues. Questions near the method verbo-tonale de P. Guberina. Actes de la journée d'études organisée par le SIHFLES Université de Mons-Hainaut, juin 2004 , ed. by Michel Berré, Mons 2005
  • Petar Šimunović, Petar Guberina 1913-2005 , Zagreb 2006

Web links