Petar Skok

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Petar Skok 1953

Petar Skok (born March 1, 1881 in Jurkovo Selo , Žumberak ; † February 3, 1956 in Zagreb ) was a Croatian Romance scholar , Slavist and Balkanologist .

life and work

Skok studied at the University of Vienna from 1900 and received his doctorate in 1905 under Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke with the thesis The southern French place names formed with the suffixes "-ācum, -ānum, -ascum" and "uscum" (Halle an der Saale 1906; supplements to the magazine for Romance Philology 2). From 1904 to 1917 he taught German, French and shorthand in Banja Luka (Bosnia). From 1917 to 1919 he was a librarian in Sarajevo . From 1917 Skok was a private lecturer at the University of Zagreb and taught there from 1920 to 1951 as full professor of Romance philology (successor: Petar Guberina). In 1949 he co-founded the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS).

Skok's students included Petar Guberina , Valentin Putanec , Vojmir Vinja , Žarko Muljačić and Pavao Tekavčić .

From 1947 Skok was a member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Other works (selection)

  • Pojave vulgarno-latinskoga jezika na natpisima rimske provincije Dalmacije [Vulgar Latin in the inscriptions of the Roman province of Dalmatia] (Zagreb 1915).
  • Zum Balkanlatein, in: Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 46, 1926, pp. 385–410; 48, 1928, pp. 398-413; 50, 1930, pp. 484-532; 54, 1934, pp. 175-215 and pp. 424-499.
  • Naša pomorska i ribarska terminologija [Our marine and fishing terminology ] (Split, 1933)
  • Dolazak Slovena na Mediteran [The advance of the Slavs into the Mediterranean], Split 1934
  • Pregled francuske gramatike [ Abstract of French grammar], 2 vols., Zagreb 1938–1939
  • Metodologija francuscoga jezika [Learn French], Zagreb 1939
  • Francuska književnost XIX. I XX. vijeka [French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries], Zagreb 1939
  • Osnovi romanske lingvistike [Basics of Romance Linguistics], 3 vols., Zagreb 1940
  • Slavenstvo i romanstvo na jadranskim otocima [Slavic and Romanesque elements on the Adriatic islands], 2 vols., Zagreb 1950
  • Tri starofrancuske hronike o Zadru iz godine 1202 [Three old French chronicles about the siege of Zadar 1202], Zagreb 1951
  • (with the assistance of Valentin Putanec) Etimologijski rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika [Etymological Dictionary of Serbo-Croatian], ed. by Mirko Deanović and Ljudevit Jonke, 4 vols., Zagreb 1971–1974 (known as ERHSJ or "the Skok")


  • Zbornik u čast Petru Skoku o stotoj obljetnici rođenja 1881–1956 / Festschrift for Petar Skok on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birthday, ed. by Mirko Deanović, Zagreb 1985
  • Žarko Muljačić, Petar Skok come linguista, in: Lingua et traditio. History of linguistics and recent philologies. Festschrift for Hans Helmut Christmann for his 65th birthday , ed. by Richard Baum et al., Tübingen 1994, pp. 667-685
  • Žarko Muljačić, Aggiunte e rettifiche alle bibliografie di P. Skok e M. Deanović, in: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 52, 2007, pp. 65–85

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