Peter Betz

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Peter Betz in American internment . Photo from 1945.

Peter Betz (born October 12, 1913 in Theisenort in the Kronach district ; † unknown) was a German SS-Hauptscharführer and was deployed in the Dachau and Dora-Mittelbau concentration camps.

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Betz worked as a construction joiner in the construction of rail lines. He joined the SS on November 1, 1933. From August 5, 1935, he was deployed in the Dachau concentration camp, where he was initially a member of the guard company that was part of the SS death's head associations . In the course of 1938 Betz worked temporarily in the office of the protective custody camp leader and then in the office of the camp commandant's office until 1943. His duties in the camp commandant's office included transporting prisoners and registering and handling deaths. His superiors during this period were Alex Piorkowski , Adam Grünewald , Egon Zill , Michael Redwitz andFranz Hofmann . Betz, who became a member of the Waffen SS on September 2, 1939 , was Rapportführer from January 1943 to March 1943. He then acted as a commando leader in external commands. On 7 January 1944 he was in the sub-camp Dora-Mittelbau of Buchenwald displaced.

After his arrest, Betz was tried on November 15, 1945 in the main Dachau trial, which took place in the context of the Dachau trials , on charges of war crimes before a US military court . On December 13, 1945, Betz was sentenced to life imprisonment, which was later converted to an early prison term and further reduced. In the judgment, Betz considered the abuse of prisoners as individual acts of excess. In his defense, Betz stated that he had never mistreated or beaten prisoners. Betz was imprisoned in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison and released in January 1954.

Betz was married and had one child. Nothing is known about his further life.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Holger Lessing: The first Dachau trial (1945/46). , Baden-Baden 1993, p. 318