Peter Breiß

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Peter Breiß (born April 23, 1770 in Allermöhe , † May 2, 1846 in Hamburg ) was a German teacher and co-founder of the Society of Friends of the Fatherland Schools and Education System .

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Peter Breiß was born as the son of a farmer in Allermöhe. Since the pastor Georg Heinrich Häseler (1743-1820) supported him at a young age, Breiß worked as a teacher in the uppermost quarter of the parish Billwerder from February 1789 . In November of the same year he took a position as a teacher in Reitbrook instead . As parts of the parents and the pastor Johann Gabriel Stäcker (1761–1814), who had followed Häseler in Allermöhe, criticized Breiß '"innovation-addicted" religious instruction, conflicts arose. In 1797 the pedagogue founded a "school conference" with other teachers, at the time of which he wrote a poem that appeared in 1805 in the Hamburg and Altona newspaper. In it he committed himself to enlightenment and school reforms and called on them to "be friends of our students!"

Breiß had to give up the apprenticeship and in 1798 took a job at a new school in front of the Dammtor . The institution received support from the private society for the augmentation of patriotism , which included merchants, craftsmen, lawyers, doctors and clergy in the vicinity of Ferdinand Beneke . In addition to teaching, he wrote for the magazines Hamburg and Altona and Das Blatt der Charity . In 1805 he suggested in Hamburg and Altona to create a "Journal for Hamburg schools, their teachers and friends". Johann Carl Daniel Curio took up the idea and together with Breiß and others founded the Society of Friends of the Fatherland School and Education System in the same year . During the first meeting of the association on April 3, 1806, Breiß worked out plans for further association work, which appeared in Hamburg and Altona . He saw the association as a place for the exchange of in-depth and stimulating conversations and hoped to make a contribution "to a refined popular education" and to be able to raise "good, honest people, genuine Christians and thinking, active citizens". After internal disputes broke out, Breiß left the company.

In 1805 he joined the Patriotic Society of 1765, an honorary member of which he was later made. In 1810 he did not respond to a call to Arnstadt in Thuringia as an "education councilor" . During the French period in Hamburg , the school run by Breiß was destroyed; his environment was lost. A new school at Dammtor was built in 1931 and managed by Breiß. For reasons of age, his service ended in 1840.

Breiß wrote many educational and literary writings and articles for journals in and outside Hamburg. The works are only partially scientifically processed.
