Peter II of Hazart

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Peter (II.) Of Hazart (French: Pierre de Hazart , Latin: Pierre de Azart senescalcus Antiochiæ ; † after 1263) was Lord of Hazart ( Aʿzāz ) and Seneschal of Antioch .

On May 1, 1263 he is a signatory in a document about a dispute settlement between Prince Bohemund VI. and the Order of the Hospitallers .

He was the successor and probably the son of Wilhelm von Hazart . In 1268 at the latest, his rule was finally conquered and smashed by the Mamluks under Sultan Baibars I.

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhold Röhricht : Regesta Regni Hierosolymitani. Oeniponti, Innsbruck 1893, No. 1317, p. 344.

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Wilhelm Herr von Hazart in the
middle of the 13th century.