Peter Jung (writer)

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Peter Jung (born April 3, 1887 in Zsombolya , Kingdom of Hungary , Austria-Hungary , † June 24, 1966 in Jimbolia , People's Republic of Romania ) was a Romanian-German poet and publicist .


Peter Jung, born as the son of a worker in Zsombolya in 1887, worked in various professions in Budapest until 1914 . After taking part in the war, he returned to his homeland and from 1920 worked as a journalist and editor at the bourgeois national Hatzfelder Zeitung , the mouthpiece of the German movement in the Banat, founded in 1888 . He also wrote for numerous other German-language newspapers in the Banat and Transylvania .

In addition to his journalistic activities, Jung was an extremely productive poet. In the course of his life he wrote more than 12,000 poems, of which, however, only a handful were published in 1961 in the volume Heidesymphonie during his lifetime . His poetry is characterized by simple language and a predominantly traditional form, in which he describes his homeland Hatzfeld and the Banat in an idealized way. He is considered one of the most important native poets of the Banat Swabians . His poem "Mein Heimatland, Banaterland" was initially set to music by Wilhelm Ferch and later by Josef Linster and is considered the hymn of the Banat Swabians.


  • Local art hour. Edited by the Armed Forces Association of Swabian Artists and Friends of Art. Hatzfeld: Johann Schmidt Verlag 1943.
  • Pagan Symphony. Verses from four decades. Bucharest: Literature Publishing House 1961.
  • The land where my cradle was. Edited by Franz Th. Schleich. Timisoara 1980.
  • The Book of Home: Poems. Edited by Nikolaus Horn. HOG Hatzfeld [2013?].

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Jung (writer) . In: East German Biography (Kulturportal West-Ost)
  2. Banaterra: Jung, Peter .
  3. ^ Lexicon of German-language writers , vol. 2. Ed. Kurt Böttcher u. a., 1993.
  4. ^ Franz Metz : Josef Linster (1889-1954)