Peter Stohler

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Peter Stohler (* 1967 in Belp ) is a Swiss art historian , cultural manager and publicist .

Live and act

Peter Stohler studied art history and film studies at the University of Zurich and at the Sotheby's Institute of Art in London and graduated with a licentiate or Master of Arts. From 2000 to 2002 he completed the postgraduate course in cultural management at the University of Basel . He began his professional career in 2000 as a research assistant and interim director at the Museum Bellerive in Zurich. At the same time he made a name for himself as a freelance curator and publicist with exhibitions, artist talks and lecture series in his own apartment and began to publish about young Swiss art, design and everyday culture. In 2005 he became the chief curator of the Haus für Kunst Uri in Altdorf, in 2006 he moved to the Center pour l'Image Contemporaine CIC, which he was director, and from 2007 to 2013 was the cultural project manager in the Basel-Stadt department of culture. Stohler is also active on various committees and boards. From 2006 to 2012 he was a board member of the Swiss Museums Association (VMS / AMS).

From 2013 to 2018 Stohler was director of the art (stuff) house in Rapperswil . Since 2019 he has been managing director and program manager of the Grimmwelt in Kassel.


As editor and co-author

  • Body extensions . Arnoldsche, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-89790-204-4 .
  • Stimulus & Risk / Risk & Allure . Arnoldsche, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-89790-248-6 .
  • Art in the non-private / Roentgen space . Edition Fink, Zurich 2006, ISBN 3-906086-72-0 .
  • Radar. Texts on contemporary art / radar. Texts on Contemporary Art . Essays and interviews by Peter Stohler, German / English, ed. by Winfried Stürzl, Monika Hardmeier, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-89790-278-7 .
  • Tomograph. Conversation with women artists / tomograph. Interviews with artists . Interviews and essays by Peter Stohler, German / English, ed. by Winfried Stürzl and Vivien Moskaliuk, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-89790-309-8 .
  • Maya Bringolf: Loaded Circles . Modo Verlag, Freiburg i.Br. 2015, ISBN 978-3-86833-183-7 .
  • From Anselm to Zilla. The Peter and Elisabeth Bosshard Collection of the Kunst (Zeug) Haus Foundation . ed. by Peter Stohler, Petra Giezendanner and Anja Gubelmann, Lars Müller Publishers, Zurich 2018, ISBN 978-3-03778-539-3 .


  • 'Pumps' and 'Joseph' (Beuys): 'Soft sculptures' by Veronika Veit and the felt armchair by Lothar Windels , in: Designs - magazine for literature, no. 25/2001, ed. by Peter Gisi, Bettina Spörri, Zurich 2001, pp. 81–84.
  • 'Brand New, You're Retro': How Lang / Baumann recycle the repressed 70s / 'Brand New, You're Retro': How Lang / Baumann recycle the 1970s , German / English, in: Exhibition catalog 70s versus 80s: Objects of the seventies and eighties / 70s versus 80s: Objects from the Seventies and the Eighties, ed. by Roger Fayet. Arnoldsche, Stuttgart 2001, pp. 158-171.
  • Marketing the Museum - cultural marketing and its feasibility using the example of three Swiss institutions , in: Deutsches Jahrbuch für Kulturmanagement 2002, ed. by Armin Klein, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 82–103.
  • The return of waste. Design from discarded things, essay by Peter Stohler and Roger Fayet, in: Kunstforum International: Die Gerümpelhaftigkeit der Kunst, ed. by Paolo Bianchi, Nov. 2003, pp. 97-105.

Curated exhibitions (selection)

  • 2005 Demolition experts , House for Art Uri, Altdorf [add. m. Nanni Baltzer].
  • 2006 Performance in Progress , House for Art Uri, Altdorf.
  • 2006 Stimulus & Risk / Risk & Allure , House for Art Uri, Altdorf [add. m. Sylvia Rüttimann].
  • 2013 living room exhibition Roentgenraum, Zurich.
  • 2014 Northwest Wind: Seven artists from Basel , Kunst (Zeug) Haus Rapperswil-Jona.
  • 2016 Y'a pas le feu au lac: Young art from western Switzerland , art (stuff) Haus Rapperswil-Jona.

Conversation series

  • 2005–2006 guests very close, Haus für Kunst Uri, Altdorf.
  • 2005–2006 Aestheticization of Everyday Life , Roentgenraum, Zurich.
  • 2006–2007 Limitless ?, Roentgenraum, Zurich.
  • 2007–2008 Transformer , Roentgenraum, Zurich.
  • 2008–2009 New Worlds , Roentgen Area, Zurich.
  • 2014 passion for collecting , art (stuff) house, Rapperswil-Jona.

Web links