Peter Sych

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Peter Sych , also Pjotr ​​Sych (* 1960 in Cracow ) is an Australian software developer, instrument maker and installation artist of Polish origin.

Sych studied violin and piano at the Kraków Music School before emigrating to Australia in 1981. From 1983 he studied musical instrument making at the Northern Metropolitan College of TAFE ( Technical and further education ). In 1985 he worked in the Bösendorfer piano factory in Vienna . From 1985 to 1988 he studied electrical engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and computer science at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne and then worked for various companies as a software engineer (including Boardwalk Enterprises , Pixel Photographics , CASIO Australia ) and manager ( Transimport Melbourne ) Director of Applied Multimedia Technologies Melbourne and Brisbane.

As a software developer, Sych is also active in the field of multimedia art. With Lisa Lang he developed The Isa Harp , a programmable MIDI / multimedia controller that was used at the Chookahs Childen's Festival at The Arts Center in Melbourne. Here he also designed and built a walk-in piano. He designed the SoundHouse Special Access Kit for people with disabilities and an interactive digital laboratory for Casio . His Piano Roll to MIDI conversion system was created on the occasion of the Darling Harbor International Music Show . Sych realized installations in Poland in cooperation with Marek Chołoniewski ( IterEter , 2009; qub , 2010). He is a member of the Association of Tuners / Technicians in Australia and New Zealand and the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music.
