Peter von Molsheim

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Autograph from the Freiburg Burgundian War Chronicle, UB Friborg
From the Freiburg Chronicle: Assault of federal merchants on the Rhine by Knight Bilgri von Heudorf; April 3, 1473. Drawing by Hans Fries

Peter von Molsheim (* unknown; † around 1490 ) was a member of the Order of St. John and historian in Freiburg in Üechtland .

Peter von Molsheim was born in the Mattenquartier in Freiburg. He was the descendant of a family from Alsace . His father was the furrier Hans von Molsheim. Peter von Molsheim is first mentioned in 1455. As a hospital brother of the Order of St. John, he was then chaplain of the Church of St. John in Freiburg, and from 1474 conductor the commander .

On behalf of the city council of Freiburg, Peter von Molsheim wrote a Freiburg chronicle of the Burgundian Wars around 1478 . In doing so, he orientated himself on the “Small Burgundy Chronicle” by Diebold Schilling and worked on it from the Freiburg perspective. As a member of the Society for Thistle Compulsion and room mate Schilling , he was probably in possession of a copy of his chronicle. There are twelve handwritten copies of Molsheim's Burgundy Chronicle; the oldest is from 1478. The illustrations are attributed to Hans Fries .

In 1479 Molsheim's chronicle was handed over to the Freiburg council for 25 guilders, which demanded some additions and improvements; Molsheim put these in as marginal notes. It can be assumed that the chronicle was to serve as a draft for the council, which was later to be followed by an official city chronicle. This could explain the unsightly notes in the margin and the later decoration of the chronicle with initials and small pen drawings. From a historical perspective is valuable also Molsheim "tendency Bern to flatter and glorify, because with the help Berns was Freiburg in 1478 by Savoy -free".

The text receives a special personal note from its hatred of nobility and the joy it has expressed about the cruel methods of killing enemies, but from today's point of view it is "unpleasantly salivating and moralizing". In debauchery he extols “the slaughter of noble prisoners, whom he ridicules as hungry country dogs. He does not withhold the Swiss atrocities during the war, and even adds hideous features to them; Thus he tells of the terrible suffocation of the prisoners in Orbe , the execution with the arrow in the head, the robbery of Moudon ; but he wants to justify these acts and make them plausible. ... This apologetic trait is probably not hypocrisy, but a run-down conviction, a lack of a fair sense of history. Monsheim probably only gives the poetous conception in a crude and passionate manner. "

Molsheim's chronicle comprises 212 pages, preceded by a ten-chapter description of the history of Freiburg; from the establishment of the city of Freiburg to the pledging of the Montenach rule in November 1478.

In 1914 the historian Albert Büchi published Molsheim's Freiburgerchronik. The Freiburg chronicle is kept as manuscript D 410 of the Bibliothèque de la Société économique de Friborg in the canton and university library of Friborg .


  • Albert Büchi: Peter von Molsheim's Freiburg Chronicle of the Burgundian Wars . Bern 1914
  • Carl Gernhard Baumann: About the creation of the oldest Swiss illustrated chronicles . Writings from the Berner Burgerbibliothek, Bern 1971

Web links

Wikisource: Burgundian Wars  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Richard Feller , Edgar Bonjour : Geschistorschreibung der Schweiz , Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2nd edition 1979, Volume 1, ISBN 3-7190-0722-7
  2. Burgunderkriege (Molsheim) (Freiburg Chronicle ) on Commons