Stake bead

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Pile-dwelling pearls (also known as pile-dwelling tubs ) are medium to late Bronze Age glass beads that are found in large numbers in Swiss pile-dwelling settlements as archaeological finds. They are among the oldest known glass in western Central Europe.

The term was already used by Emil Vogt in 1936 and introduced into research literature in 1949 by Thea Elisabeth Haevernick . It refers to a type of pearl from barrel to spindle-shaped with a white glass thread insert that runs spirally around the pearl body. The basic color is usually a translucent shade of blue, but isolated purple, green, black, brown and yellow pearls are also known. Their production can be traced back to the period 12–9. Century BC To date. The main distribution area is in the area of ​​the pile dwelling settlements in southwest Germany and the Swiss lake region. Isolated finds in distant areas show supra-regional trade contacts. Their most widespread distribution to northern Central Europe and also the numerically most frequent occurrence is in the time around 1000 BC. Chr.

Since the pile-dwelling pearls were often found in connection with richly decorated barrows and urn burials, it is assumed that these were valuable objects whose exclusivity can be compared to amber .

In 1947, Haevernick researched the late urnfield hoard from Allendorf and, contrary to the prevailing doctrine of the time, assumed that the glass beads were manufactured in Central Europe and not from imports from the eastern Mediterranean. Paul Reinecke contradicted this decisively , which sparked a long discussion about the origin of these pieces of jewelry, which has not yet been clarified. However, the latest chemical analyzes support the theory of local production.

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  • Thea Elisabeth Haevernick: Urnfield-time glass beads: An inventory . In: Swiss National Museum (Ed.): Journal for Swiss Archeology and Art History . tape 35 , no. 3 . Report House, Zurich 1978, p. 145–157 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-166980 .
  • Stephanie Mildner: Glass beads in the Bronze Age. Commercial goods and prestige objects of the pile dwelling settlers. A preliminary report. In: Gunter Schöbel (Ed.): Platform. Yearbook of the Verein für Pfahlbau und Heimatkunde eV Band 23/24 , 2016, ISBN   978-3-944255-07-01  ( defective ) , p. 80-83 ( online at ).
  • Stephanie Mildner, Ulrich Schüssler, Frank Falkenstein, Helene Brätz: Bronze Age glass in western Central Europe - finds, composition and the question of its origin . In: Bianka Nessel, Immo Heske, Dirk Brandherm (ed.): Resources and raw materials in the Bronze Age: Use - Distribution - Control (work reports on the preservation of monuments in Brandenburg) . tape 26 . Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation, 2014, ISBN 978-3-910011-75-5 , p. 100–108 ( online on the website of the University of Würzburg (PDF; 616 kB)).