Pfisterplatz (Chur)
The Pfisterplatz in the Grisons canton capital Chur is located in the western center of the Old Town at the end of Kupfergasse .
It is named after the medieval and early modern guild of bakers , who at that time carried the professional title “ Pfister ”.
The dominant building on Pfisterplatz is the five-story guild house zur Rebleuten ( Zunfthuus Räblüta in the Chur German dialect ), which belonged to the winemakers who ran it from 1483 until the city guilds were dissolved in 1839. In 1915 a historicizing picture was made above the portal that shows two winemakers returning home from the harvest. Today the building houses a hotel with a restaurant.
Pfisterplatz is only accessible to non-motorized traffic and is integrated into the city tours.