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As phanerograms (. Greek phanerós = "visualized ()" and GAMOS = "marriage; insemination") or flowering plant refers to a plant whose sexual reproduction with dust and carpels takes place and their propagation thus on seed occurs. These are the naked samos (gymnosperms) and bedecktsamer (angiosperms).

It is the antonym to cryptogame .

Individual evidence

  1. Dalitzsch: Plants Book , p XCVII, Verlag JF Schreiber, Esslingen and Munich 1928
  2. ^ Gerhard Wagenitz : Dictionary of Botany. The terms in their historical context. 2nd, expanded edition. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg / Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-8274-1398-2 , p. 241.
  3. Phanerogame on, accessed on June 11, 2013