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Phano (* probably in Corinth ) was the subject of a trial that took place between 343 BC because of uncertainties about her origin . BC and 340 BC Chr. In Athens was performed.

Phano's mother may have been Neaira , a hetaera from Corinth, who went to Athens with her three children after buying herself out. There she lived with the important politician Stephanos , who presumably passed Neaira's children off as his own. Phano, of whom it is unclear whether she was the daughter of Stephanos and his first wife or the daughter of Neaira, he married twice to respected Athenian citizens, which, however, was not allowed because Phano as a non-Athenian and daughter of a hetaera in Athens did not enter into a legal marriage could. At least this was alleged by two political opponents of Stephanos, Apollodorus and Theomnestes , who then brought a lawsuit for presumed civil rights . Phanos' first husband was a phrastor. The marriage was later divorced and Phano was married to the Archon basileus Theogenes . As his wife, she also took on duties as Basilinna , although her possible origin would have prevented her from sacrificing in Athens. This marriage was divorced on the allegations.

Little is known about the outcome of the trial and the further fate of the Phano, as little is known about the true content of the allegations. Phano herself is said to have worked as a hetaerae before her time as a wife. If she was the daughter of Stephanos, this is not to be assumed, as the daughter of Neaira.
