Apollodor (politician from Athens)

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Apollodoros ( Greek Ἀπολλόδωρος Apollodoros * 394 / . 393 BC. , † after .. 343 BC ), also Apollodorus , son of Pasion , one was an Athenian orator and politician in the middle of the fourth century BC. Chr.

Apollodor was a supporter and partisan of Demosthenes and after 370 BC One of the richest citizens of Athens. Between 370 and 350 BC He led lengthy lawsuits against Phormion , the successor of his father in his banking company and the new husband of his wife (Apollodorus' mother), over questions of inheritance. Although he his fortune to equip triremes used, 369, 362/60 and 356/355 v. Chr. Trierarch was and 352/351 v. When Choregos won a victory, he could only gain limited political influence.

361/360 BC Chr., The process funny Apollodoros sued in a Eisangelieprozess the strategists Timomachus , Callippus , Menon , Autocles and Timotheos alleged betraying Miltokythes on, the output of the process is unknown. 349/348 BC Apollodorus was a member of the Areopagus and was involved in the formulation of a Probuleuma , which was written in 349 BC. B.C. in favor of paying state surpluses to the fund of stratiotics and no longer of theorics in the future . The aim was to support the armaments against Philip II of Macedonia, who waged war against Olynthus , instead of using the money to finance theater performances by the state. Although the popular assembly gave its approval, Apollodorus was in 348 BC. BC accused by Stephanos of illegality, which led to the annulment of the order and the condemnation of Apollodorus to a fine of a talent .

As a revenge, Apollodorus and Theomnestes sued Stephanos and his concubine Neaira . According to the plaintiffs, Stephanos wrongly presented children of the Neaira as his own and thus wrongly as Athenians. Nothing is known about the outcome of the proceedings.

Several speeches that have been erroneously handed down under the name of Demosthenes are now ascribed to Apollodorus (46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 59 and possibly 47). The speeches are a particularly important source for legal, economic and social history.

Although the patriotic Apollodorus was a follower of Demosthenes, according to Plutarch , he did not seem to have been particularly trusting of Apollodorus. According to Plutarch, it was Demosthenes, not Apollodorus himself, who wrote the speeches for Apollodorus' appearances in court.

Sources on Apollodorus are Athenaios and Pseudo-Demosthenes .


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  1. Plutarch, Demosthenes 15.
  2. Athenaios 13,593f-594a.
  3. ^ Pseudo-Demosthenes, or. 59. German translation in: Kai Brodersen: Antiphon, Against the Stepmother, and Apollodoros, Against Neaira (Demosthenes 59). Women in court , Darmstadt 2004.