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Phellos is an ancient city ​​in central Lycia and is now near Çukurbağ in the province of Antalya in Turkey .

In the 5th century BC Phellos was the residence of the dynast Harpagos of Xanthos and up to the 4th century BC. BC Mint. At that time Antiphellos was still the port of Phellos, but it was later lost. In the Hellenistic and the Imperial Phellos member was of the Lycian League . The elder Pliny leads Phellos among the most important cities in Lycia. The archiphylax L. Cornelius [- - -] Dionysius is one of the city's most important ancient dignitaries .


  • Christof Schuler : The Greek inscriptions by Phellos. In: Communications from the German Archaeological Institute (Istanbul) 55, 2005, 246–265.
  • Martin Zimmermann : Studies on the historical regional studies of Central Lycia. Bonn 1992, 61-67, ISBN 978-3-7749-2553-3 .
  • Martin Zimmermann: Phellos in Central Lycia and the basic patterns of Lycian settlement history. In: The IIIrd Symposium on Lycia 2005. Symposium Proceedings Vol. II , Antalya 2006, 907-916.

Individual evidence

  1. Plin. nh 5,100f.
  2. Christof Schuler: The Greek inscriptions by Phellos . S. 250-253 No. 2 .