Pherendates I.

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Pherendates I. ( demotic : Prndd , Prntt , Prntw ) was an Achaemenid satrap in Egypt . He is best known from letters that were found on the island of Elephantine , in the far south of Egypt . There are three in demotic writing wrote letters between Pherendates and the local priests of the god Khnum (the sanctuary at Elephantine had). The letters mainly deal with the filling of priestly posts, which in turn had to be confirmed by the Persian King Dareios I. Pherendates is also mentioned in Diodorus (11, 61, 3). There we learn that he was a nephew of Xerxes I was. He died around 465 BC. In the battle of Eurymedon , where he was deployed as a general.


  • Hilmar Klinkott : The satrap. An Achaemenid office bearer and his room for maneuver (= Oikumene. Studies on ancient world history. 1). Verlag Antike, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-938032-02-2 , pp. 267, 503 ( review ; also: Tübingen, Universität, Dissertation, 2002).