Philip Stainton

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Philip Stainton (born April 9, 1908 in Kings Norton , England , † August 1, 1961 in Melbourne , Australia ) was a British actor.


The Brit made his film debut at the age of almost 40, but quickly established himself as a supporting actor. The corpulent actor with the mustache has appeared in both British and American films. He often embodied police officers, for example in the films Ladykillers and All Violence . Director John Ford used Stainton in his films The Winner and Mogambo . In the mid-1950s, he largely withdrew from the film business. Instead, he worked as the director, actor and writer of the play East Lynne , which became a huge success in Australia. During the 423rd performance of East Lynn in Melbourne, he suddenly had a heart attack. He died at the age of 53 in the arms of his wife, Betty Bailey-Stanton; who also participated in the piece.

Filmography (selection)

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