Philipp Bock

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Philipp Bock

Georg Friedrich Philipp Bock (born March 21, 1845 in Berlin ; † 1922 ) was a German theater actor , singer ( tenor ), theater director and director .


Bock, the son of a portrait and landscape painter, who comes from a family of painters on his mother's side (Roller) and grandson of the founder of the theater association "Urania", made his first theatrical attempts at the lovers' theater "Thalia", then he came to Potsdam (1865), Oldenburg, Elbing, Danzig, Viktoria-Theater Berlin, Posen, Mainz, until he took on engagement at the Deutsches Theater in St. Petersburg in 1870.

In the beginning of his career he played in teenage comic roles and sang tenor-buffo parts, but later he switched to character.

In St. Petersburg he was also appointed director until he was appointed head director in 1882.

After the Deutsches Theater was dissolved, he managed, under his direction, to hold total guest performances at the Alexander Theater during Lent . He stayed in St. Petersburg, where, against Russian censorship and Russian taste, he was still able to perform many classical and serious German pieces, like that. z. B. Tell , Egmont , Fiesco , Julius Caesar etc. The artist also acted in 1892 as a commissioner for the Russian department at the Vienna Music and Theater Exhibition .



  1. year of death not confirmed. The entry in the common authority file names 1922 (GND 116214538 , query date: May 28, 2018).
  2. Eisenberg calls it the Alexander Theater , but it was actually called the Alexandra Theater , named after the German Alexandra Fjodorovna, Empress of Russia

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Full name according to the Lexicon of German-Language Literature of the Baltic States and St. Petersburg (2011).