Philipp Gonon

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Philipp Gonon

Philipp C. Gonon (born October 15, 1955 in Flensburg ) is a Swiss educationalist specializing in vocational training and further education.


Gonon studied law and journalism at the University of Friborg from 1974 to 1976 , then education in Zurich and Berlin. From 1986 to 1992 he was an assistant at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Bern . There he completed his habilitation in 1997. From 1999 to 2004, Gonon was a C4 professor for professional and operational training at the University of Trier . Since 2004 he has been professor for vocational training at the University of Zurich .

Gonon has researched Georg Kerschensteiner , the relationship between school and work, and the European vocational training reforms. He specializes in historical and international comparative research on vocational training. He also publishes on topics such as the philosophy and theory of (vocational) education. Evaluation, quality assurance and modularization in vocational training are further research topics of Philipp Gonons.

As a founding member of the international network Vetculture (since 1995), Gonon Approaches - with the Swiss dual (triple) vocational training model as a counterpoint - has contributed to the European vocational training debate.

Fonts (selection)

  • Gonon, Ph. (2016). On the dynamics and typology of vocational training systems - an international perspective. In Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 62, 3, pp. 307–322.
  • Hippach-Schneider, U., Weigel, T., Brown, A., Gonon, Ph. (2013). Are graduates preferred to those completing initial vocational education and training? Case studies on company recruitment strategies in Germany, England and Switzerland. Journal of Vocational Education & Training , 65, 1, 1–17.
  • Weil, M. & Gonon, Ph. (2012). Further training activity, types of providers and operational cooperation using the example of Switzerland. Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung 62, 224–332.
  • Berner, E., Gonon, Ph. & Ritter, HJ. (2011). Between trade promotion, social policy and liberal educational efforts - On the 'pre-history' of dual vocational training in Switzerland. Journal for Vocational and Business Education , 107 (1), 14–32.
  • Berner, E. & Gonon, Ph. (2016), History of VET in Europe - Cases, Concepts and Challenges. Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Wettstein, E .; Schmid, E. & Gonon, Ph. (2014). Vocational training in Switzerland - forms, structures, actors. 2nd completely revised and renewed edition. Bern: hep Verlag.
  • Maurer, M. & Gonon, Ph. (Eds.) (2013). Challenges for vocational training in Switzerland. Inventory and perspectives. Bern: hep Verlag.
  • with Emil Wettstein: Vocational training in Switzerland . Bern: hep-Verlag 2009.
  • The Quest for Modern Vocational Education - Georg Kerschensteiner between Dewey, Weber and Simmel . Bern: P. Lang 2009.
  • From honorable craftsman to innovative self-entrepreneur. Modernization of vocational training using ideal-typical leading figures . Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation 2008 ( PDF )
  • with Dieter Münk, Klaus Breuer, Thomas Deissinger (eds.): Modernization of vocational training. New research results and perspectives in vocational and business education . (Series of publications by the DGFE's Vocational and Business Education Section). Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2008.
  • with Rolf Arnold: Introduction to vocational education . Opladen: Barbara Budrich (UTB) 2005.
  • with Stefanie Stolz (ed.): Company training. Empirical findings, theoretical perspectives and current challenges . Bern: hep 2004.
  • Work, profession and education . Bern: hep 2002.
  • Georg Kerschensteiner - concept of work school (Ed. By Dieter-Jürgen Löwisch: work interpretations of pedagogical classics). Darmstadt: Scientific Book Society 2002.
  • with André Schläfli: Further training in Switzerland. Situation and Perspectives . Frankfurt 1999.
  • The international argument in educational reform. The role of international references in the educational policy debates on Swiss vocational training and the English reform of upper secondary level . Bern 1998.
  • Work school and qualification. Work and School in the 19th Century, Kerschensteiner and Today's Debates on Professional Qualifications . Bern: Peter Lang 1992.

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