Philippe Biane

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Philippe Biane (* 1962 ) is a French mathematician who deals with probability theory , representation theory of groups and combinatorics .

Biane was a professor at the University of Paris VI and the École normal supérieure (ENS) of Paris and is Research Director of the Center national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) at the Institut Gaspard-Monge of the University of Paris-East (Marne-la-Vallée) .

He is particularly concerned with free probability according to Dan Voiculescu and probability theory of non-commutative variables. He also investigates the connection between Brownian motion and Riemannian zeta function and related number theoretic functions.

In 1994 he received the Rollo Davidson Prize . In 2002 he was a guest speaker on the topic of Free probability and combinatorics at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing .

Biane is co-editor of the journal Probability Theory and Related Fields .


  • Entropie libres et algèbres d'opérateurs , Séminaire Bourbaki, No. 889, Asterisque, Volume 282, 2002
  • Introduction to random walk in non commutative spaces , in Michael Schürmann, Nicolas Privault, Uwe Franz (editor) Quantum potential theory , Lecturenotes in Mathematics, Volume 1954, 2008, pp. 61–116
  • Free probability for probabilists , in Quantum probability communications , Volume 11 (Grenoble 1998), World Scientific 2003
  • Representations of symmetry groups and free probability , Advances in Mathematics, Volume 138, 1998, p. 12611181
  • Calcul stochastique non commutatif , Saint Flour Lectures on Probability Theory 1993, Lecturesnotes in Mathematics, Volume 1608, 1995, p. 11196
  • La fonction zéta et les probabilités , in Nicole Berline, Claude Sabbah (Ed.) La fonction Zeta , Éditions de l'École Polytechnique, 2003
  • with Jim Pitman, Marc Yor Probability laws related to the Jacobi Theta Function and Riemann Zeta Functions and Brownian Excursions , Bulletin AMS, Volume 38, 2001, 435-465 Online

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