Philippe Collin

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Philippe Collin (2018)

Philippe Collin (born April 6, 1975 in Brest (Finistère) , France ) is a French radio presenter and journalist on radio and television .

After studying history at the UBO ( Université de Bretagne Occidentale ) in Brest, he began his career as a columnist for Gérard Lefort's "A toute allure" program, from 1999 to 2001 for the French public radio station "France Inter" and from 2004 to 2006 in the weekly cultural program "Charivari" by Frédéric Bonnaud on France Inter. In the summer of 2005 he directed the program “Comme un ouragon” and then “Panique au Mangin Palace” from September 2005 to June 2010. Between September 2008 and June 2010 he directed the program “Panique au Ministère Psychique”, then “La cellule de dégrisement” ", in the same weird style and a little bolder than" Mangin Palace ". In July 2010 he runs the program "Les persifleur du Mal" and from September "5/7 Boulevard" - alluding to Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. In early 2011 this show will be "Downtown" with Xavier Mauduit.

On French television, he worked with Michel Denisot on "Le Grand Journal" on Canal +.

Since January 8, 2012, he has been co-author of the weird cultural program Abgedraht! on arte with Frédéric Bonnaud and Xavier Mauduit . In the show, he lends his voice to different film characters every week, who lead through the show in the form of a mash-up.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. portrait d'anciens élèves de l'UBO on