Philippe Junot

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Philippe Junot (born April 19, 1940 in Paris ) is an independent investment banker and real estate developer based in Paris. He became known in public as the first husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco .


The father, Michel Junot (1916-2008), was a politician and senior administrative officer. Among other things, he was a member of the European Parliament and Vice Mayor of Paris. The mother, Lydia Thyckjær, was the daughter of a Danish industrialist. When Philippe was six years old, his parents divorced. General Jean Andoche Junot (1771-1813), who served Napoleon Bonaparte and whose name is immortalized on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, is one of his ancestors .

education and profession

In his youth, Junot grew up with his father in Paris. He passed the Abitur on the second attempt. He studied law at the University of Paris . After graduating, he worked as a stockbroker in New York, then went on a professional excursion into the fast food business at “Jack in the Box” and finally settled in Paris as a self-employed investment banker. He assisted French credit institutions with financial investments abroad, particularly in North America. When the relationship with Caroline of Monaco became known, the press often referred to him as a playboy because of his lifestyle and appearance .

After Caroline divorced, he participated in several start-ups in France . Among other things, he was involved as a partner in the financial investment company of Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet , the "Access International Advisors". The company had invested substantial funds in investment fraudster Bernard L. Madoff , which were lost in 2008 when the Madoff empire collapsed.

Marriage to Caroline of Monaco

Junot and Princess Caroline were civilly married on June 28, 1978 and church one day later. Caroline's parents were initially against this relationship. The marriage did not last long, they divorced on October 9, 1980. At Caroline's instigation, the Roman Catholic Church declared it null and void in 1992 . The marriage was childless. Caroline accused him of adultery while claiming that his parents' influence put too much strain on the relationship.


In 1987 he married Nina Wedelboe-Larsen. The marriage had three children: Victoria, Isabelle and Alexis. This marriage ended in divorce in 1997. He then lives with the Swedish model Helén Wendel, with whom he has had a daughter, Chloé, since 2005.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kevin Dowling and Fred Hauptfuhrer: The Princess & Her Playboy ( en ) In: People . July 3, 1978. Retrieved December 10, 2019.
  2. French manager commits suicide . In: Der Tagesspiegel . December 24, 2008. Accessed December 11, 2019.
  3. ↑ Marital crisis in Monaco? - Hard days for the Grimaldis . In: RP Online . January 9, 2010. Retrieved on October 12, 2019.
  4. ^ Peter McKay: The Big Dame Hunters Are A Dying Breed ( en ) the Chicago tribune. October 26, 1987. Retrieved September 26, 2011.