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Philonides from Laodikeia (* around 220 BC; † around 150 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher . He belonged to the school of the Epicureans .

The information about the life of Philonides goes back almost exclusively to the so-called Vita Philonidis , a papyrus from Herculaneum (PHerc. 1044).

Philonides came from an influential family at the Seleucid court and studied geometry with Eudemus of Pergamon, Dionysodor of Kaunos and Artemon. He was also friends with the well-known geometer Apollonios von Perge . He was in contact with the academic philosopher Karneades , the Stoic philosopher Diogenes of Babylon, and the Epicureans Basilides and Thespis. Philonides was the author of various works on Epicureanism and mathematics and worked at the court of the Seleucids for several decades.


  • I. Gallo, Studi di papirologia ercolanese , Naples 2002, ISBN 8870922073 , pp. 59–205 with Italian translation.
