Osijek Faculty of Philosophy

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The Philosophical Faculty Osijek (Croatian: Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku ) is part of the Croatian Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek , Slavonia .


The Philosophical Faculty is the oldest branch of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. Since the so-called teacher training institute was founded in 1893, teachers have been trained continuously. From 1961 it was active under the name Pedagogical Academy. The course, which initially trained primary school teachers, lasted four semesters. The first regular academic year began on October 1, 1961, and the opening ceremony took place on October 28 of the same year. In the first generation, 96 students were enrolled, while in the 16-year existence there were a total of 3865. From the 1977/78 academic year, the Pedagogical Academy was renamed the Pedagogical Faculty, which meanwhile trained teachers for primary and secondary schools. The grand opening took place on April 5, 1978. During the Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995) the lectures took place despite considerable difficulties. During the attacks, the building, the library with numerous books and large parts of the inventory were damaged. By March 31, 1992, a total of 52 professors had left the faculty. On February 10, 2004, the Pedagogical Faculty changed its name to the Philosophical Faculty, which now also trained professors. In 2007, the Philosophical Faculty celebrated the three hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Philosophy degree in Osijek, which was initiated by the Franciscans under the name “ Studium Philosophicum Essekini ”.

Study program

With the introduction of the Bologna Process in Croatian higher education in 2005, the study program of the Philosophical Faculty also changed. It is now made up of the bachelor's degree and the subsequent master's degree. The bachelor's degree (Croatian: preddiplomski studij ) lasts three academic years or six semesters. After successful completion, i. H. if all exams have been passed and the thesis is accepted, the master’s course ( Croat .: diplomski studij ) can then be enrolled. This usually lasts two academic years or four semesters. In the case of teacher training courses, after completing this course, you also receive the teaching qualification, and in the case of translation courses, the corresponding translator qualification. The doctorate can also be obtained in certain subject combinations. (Croatian: poslijediplomski studij )


A total of 9 courses can be taken at the Philosophical Faculty:

  • Croatian language and literature (one and two subjects)
  • History (single and double)
  • Computer science (one subject)
  • German language and literature (one and two subjects)
  • English language and literature (two subjects)
  • Pedagogy (two-part)
  • Psychology (single subject)
  • Philosophy (single and double)
  • Hungarian language and literature (two subjects)

The subject combinations vary from year to year, so they cannot be combined at will. The number of study places is also limited. In order to get a place at university, an aptitude test has to be passed before the start of the course, which forms an average with certain grades from middle school. This in turn decides whether you will be accepted or not, depending on your place on the ranking list, or whether you have to pay tuition fees or may study at the expense of the Ministry of Education.

Technical support

In order to offer the students additional support, almost every degree program has its own homepage for the respective department. Timetables, office hours, current events or exam results are published here. You can also register for exams via SMS and manage your study book online. In the forum of the individual departments, the students can exchange ideas, give each other advice, forward materials or simply stay in contact.

Web links and sources