Philosophical review

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Philosophical review
Philosophical Review Cover.png
description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise philosophy
language German
publishing company Mohr Siebeck Verlag ( Germany )
Headquarters Tübingen
First edition 1953
Frequency of publication quarterly
Sold edition 900 copies
( [1] (PDF; 152 kB))
Editor-in-chief Florian Arnold
editor Martin Gessmann , Jens Halfwassen , Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
Web link Philosophical review
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Philosophische Rundschau (abbreviated: PhR) is a German-language philosophical journal . It was founded by Hans-Georg Gadamer and Helmut Kuhn in 1953. In addition to individual discussions of major new publications, it primarily endeavors to provide general overviews of research fields and representations of scientific relationships that go beyond school and language boundaries. The Philosophische Rundschau is published by Mohr Siebeck Verlag in Tübingen . The print run is 1100 copies.

Editor and editor

The editors are Martin Gessmann , Jens Halfwassen and Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer . Florian Arnold heads the editorial team .

Web links