Philoxenus (Hyparch)

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Philoxenus ( Greek  Φιλόξενος ) was a Macedonian follower of Alexander the great in the 4th century BC.

Philoxenus was born in 331 BC. Appointed by Alexander as the highest civil administrator ( hyparchos ) of the countries " Asia this side of the Taurus ", that is, the conquered provinces of Asia Minor . Previously, he was in charge of the administration of the army treasury, as the successor to the late 333 BC. Harpalus who fled for the first time in BC , but who, after his return in 331 BC. Was allowed to take over again. Philoxenus' area of ​​responsibility in Asia Minor extended mainly to financial management, such as collecting the war tax ( syntaxis ) from the Greek cities of Ionia . But he also had the authority of a civil law enforcement agency; so he arrested the murderers of the tyrant Hegesias of Ephesus , whom he locked up in Sardis . Around 330 BC He had Alexander send two slave boys whom he had chosen because of their beauty. The king indignantly refused this offer.

To what extent the hyparchos Philoxenos with the in the year 322 BC Chr. Occurring eponymous satraps of Caria was identical, is controversial. However, a common identity with 320 BC is excluded. Occurring satraps of Cilicia .


  • Waldemar Heckel : Who's Who in the Age of Alexander the Great. Prosopography of Alexander's Empire , p. 220. Oxford et al. a. 2006.
  • Ernst Badian : The Administration of the Empire , In: Greece & Rome , Vol. 12 (1965), pp. 166-182.


  1. Arrian , Anabasis 3, 6, 4.
  2. ^ Polyainos , Strategem 6, 49.
  3. Plutarch , Alexander 22, 1-2 and Moralia 333a ( de fort. Alex. 11).