Pierre Delaire

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Pierre Delaire, 1955

Pierre Delaire (born December 30, 1919 in Orléans , France, † June 22, 1985 ibid) was a French writer .


Pierre Delaire learned Esperanto as a boy . At the age of 17 he published his method of learning Esperanto, which remained a reference in the French-speaking world until the 1970s. He was also the founder of the Center national Esperanto Office , a center for Esperanto. Now he is best known as the translator of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry .


  • 1936 L'Esperanto en douze leçons . 5 reissues
  • 1937 Radiesteza Gazeto - internacia esperantlingva organo de la radiestezoj kaj radiestezo-amikoj . Monthly
  • 1937 Tu seras Espérantiste! Propaganda reissued in 1975
  • 1938 Estu radiesteza serĉisto! Translation of a book on radiesthesia by Émile Christophe
  • 1959 L'espéranto: fil d'Ariane du coeur et de l'esprit . (Bilingual text)
  • 1961 La Eta Princo translation of The Little Prince . New edition 1984
  • 1963 L'edelvejso kaj la tri vagabondinoj - teatrajxeto . Play
  • 1965 L'Espéranto vivant - Cours pratique complet, encyclopédique - Grammaire et méthode directe .
  • 1972 La Dolĉa Franclando . Travel book