Pierre person

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Pierre Person, June 2017

Pierre Person (born January 22, 1989 in Nancy , France ) is a French politician of the LREM party , who is its deputy party chairman.


Studied as a person at the University of Poitiers , he became a member and regional chairman of the Union nationale des étudiants de France . Before the 2012 presidential election in France , Person was active within the Parti socialiste and supported Dominique Strauss-Kahn's initial efforts to become President .

In the run-up to the 2017 presidential election in France , Person and Sacha Houlié founded the group Les Jeunes avec Macron , which supported Emmanuel Macron in his ambitions to become head of state. In the parliamentary elections in France in 2017 , he was elected member of the National Assembly for the party La République en Marche for the sixth constituency of Paris , previously represented by Cécile Duflot . In the first round he received 39.42% of the vote, in the runoff election against Danielle Simonnet, the candidate of the La France party insoumise 50.99%.

Person considered applying to succeed Christophe Castaner as chairman of the party founded by Macron, but did not run. He later became Stanislas Guerini's deputy.

Person supports the legalization of cannabis . He also advocates the possibility of in vitro fertilization for homosexual and single women.

Web links

Commons : Pierre Person  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Alain Auffray: Stanislas Guerini, un nouveau patron pour sortir LREM du coma politique. December 1, 2018, accessed May 20, 2020 (French).
  2. Castaner fait ses adieux à La République en marche, les ambitions s'aiguisent pour le remplacer . In: Le Monde.fr . October 21, 2018 ( lemonde.fr [accessed May 20, 2020]).
  3. Subscribe to read | Financial Times. Retrieved May 20, 2020 .
  4. Subscribe to read | Financial Times. Retrieved May 20, 2020 .