Pierre Roll

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Pierre-Gaspard Roll (born October 5, 1787 in Poitiers , † February 20, 1851 in Paris ) was a French composer.


From 1810 Pierre Gaspard Roll studied double bass and composition with Henri Montan Berton and Antonín Reicha at the Paris Conservatory . In 1814 he won the First Premier Grand Prix de Rome with his cantata for large orchestra Atala .

After studying in Rome and Naples, he composed the great opera Ogier le Danois for the Académie royale de musique , which, however, was not performed during his lifetime. In 1829 he became a double bass player at the Societé des Concerts du Conservatoire . In 1844 he had to give up the job for health reasons and moved back to Ville-d'Avray , where his wife, the widow of the writer François Ducrais-Duminil , owned a country house.

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