Pierre Trochu

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Pierre Trochu (born January 8, 1953 in Montreal ) is a Canadian composer.

From 1970 to 1977, Trochu studied composition with Serge Garant and percussion with Robert Leroux and Guy Lachapelle at the University of Montreal . He also took courses in mathematics and computer science here until 1974 and worked from 1973 to 1975 in the studio for electronic music at McGill University with Alcides Lanza and Bengt Hambraeus .

In 1974 and 1975 Trochu won the CBC's national radio competition for young composers , and in 1982 he was awarded second prize in the PRO Canada competition for young composers.

In 1972 he composed the music for the educational film La Percussion for the Ministry of Education of Québec . The composition Solstices de liberté was performed during the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal . Fusion , a piece for 24 instruments, was performed as a Canadian entry at the 1983 World Music Days in Denmark.


  • Pluton , 1971
  • Film music for La Percussion , 1972
  • Orange for mezzo-soprano, flute, piano and two percussionists, 1972, premier
  • Modulo 5 ou la Naissance du rythme , 1974, WP
  • Music for the CBC radio program Portrait de Jean-Jules Richard , 1975
  • Incidental music for Jacques Godbout's Le Bébé d'artifice , 1975
  • Eros for tape, 1976, premier
  • Solstices de liberté , 1976, UA
  • Miracrose , 1977, UA
  • Osmose for orchestra, 1981
  • Vertiges for six percussionists, 1983
  • Tangente for ten instrumentalists, 1984, premier