Piet Schoonenberg

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Petrus Johannes Albertus Maria ("Piet") Schoonenberg (born October 1, 1911 in Amsterdam , † September 21, 1999 in Nijmegen ) was a Dutch Catholic theologian .

Schoonenberg entered the Jesuit order in 1930 and was ordained a priest in 1939 . In 1948 he was in Maastricht for Dr. theol. PhD. After teaching in Maastricht and Amsterdam, he was Professor of Dogmatics at the Catholic University of Nijmegen from 1964 to 1976 . His inaugural lecture on May 14, 1965 was entitled God or Man: A False Dilemma . Hermann Häring became his successor to the chair .

Schoonenberg's dissertation theology as geloofsvertolking. A critical seed vatting van de blank space inhoud of the heedendaagse kathieke franse literatuur over de bewooding der speculatieve theologie tot het geloof remained unpublished.

Publications (selection)

  • Het geloof van ons doopsel , 1955.
    • Covenant and creation. Zurich 1970.
  • De makes the zonde. Inleiding op de verlossingsleer , 1962.
    • Theology of sin. A theological attempt. Einsiedeln 1966.
  • Hij is een God van mensen, 1966.
    • A god of people. Zurich 1969.
  • De geest, het woord en de zoon , 1991.
    • The Spirit, the Word and the Son. A spirit christology. Regensburg 1992.


  • Peter Beom-Kee Hong: "Sin of the World" and "Original Sin". An investigation into the original sin theology of Piet Schoonenberg. Dissertation Freiburg 1988.
  • Alfred Kaiser: Possibilities and Limits of a Christology “From Below”. The christological new approach “from below” in Piet Schoonenberg and its continuation with a view to Nikolaus von Kues. Munster 1992.
  • Birgit Blankenberg: God's Spirit in Piet Schoonenberg's theology. Mainz 2000.
  • Jürgen Mettepenningen:  Schoonenberg, Piet. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 30, Bautz, Nordhausen 2009, ISBN 978-3-88309-478-6 , Sp. 1297-1300.

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