Pioneers Escarpment

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Pioneers Escarpment
location Coatsland , East Antarctica
part of Shackleton Range , Transantarctic Mountains
Pioneers Escarpment (Antarctica)
Pioneers Escarpment
Coordinates 80 ° 26 ′  S , 21 ° 38 ′  W Coordinates: 80 ° 26 ′  S , 21 ° 38 ′  W

The Pioneers Escarpment is a mostly snow-covered and north-facing step in the East Antarctic Coatsland , which is interrupted in places by rocky outcrops and needles. It is located in the Shackleton Range between the Slessor Glacier in the north and the Shotton Snowfield in the south.

The terrain was photographed from the air by the United States Navy in 1967 and geodetically surveyed by the British Antarctic Survey between 1968 and 1971. The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named it in 1972 after the pioneers ( English pioneers ), whose innovations and developments have contributed to the survival and travel in the polar regions.

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