Pirrit Hills

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Pirrit Hills
Highest peak Mount Tidd ( 1282  m )
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
Pirrit Hills (Antarctica)
Pirrit Hills
Coordinates 81 ° 17 ′  S , 85 ° 21 ′  W Coordinates: 81 ° 17 ′  S , 85 ° 21 ′  W

The Pirrit Hills are an isolated group of mountain peaks and nunataks in the west Antarctic Ellsworthland . They extend over a length of 7 miles south of the Ellsworth Mountains between the Heritage Range and the Nash Hills .

The position of the Pirrit Hills was determined in December 1958 by the US Ellsworth-Byrd Traverse Party . The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named them in 1964 after John Pirrit (1924-1962), glaciologist of this team, who had wintered at Ellsworth Station and in 1959 was scientific director of Byrd Station .

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