Bernardin Pitschieler

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Bernardin Pitschieler (born May 20, 1775 in Überwasser , † May 13, 1853 in Perugia ; also Bernardino Piceller ) was a South Tyrolean painter.


Bernardin Pitscheller was born in Ortisei on the Rescion farm. Nothing is known about his initial training or his teachers. In 1796 he moved to Rome , where he had further training as a painter.

In 1810 he moved to Perugia, where other members of his Val Gardena family lived, probably merchants like many Val Gardena people at that time. In 1811 he became an honorary member of the Art Academy in Perugia.

It is not known who he was married to. A son of Pitschieler was named Trasone and a nephew, named Alessandro, was an antiquarian and architect in Perugia. In 1886 the nephew had a chapel rebuilt in the Renaissance style. The building is still known today as "Castello Piceller". Bernardin Pitschieler probably died in Perugia.


In 1810 he painted the portrait of the Roman musician Francesco Morlacchi (1784–1841) a friend who probably also lived with him in Rome. The portrait is in the Francesco Morlacchi Music Conservatory in Perugia.

The artist's sister-in-law, Tommasa Satolli, was superior of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Monterone near Perugia. Bernardin Pitschieler painted two altar leaves for the abbey church, which was renovated in 1817.

Some of his neo-classical drawings, a bundle of 52 sheets, mostly copies of portraits from Raphael's " La Disputa del Sacramento " fresco in the Vatican and nudes, are kept in the Ferdinandeum Museum in Innsbruck. Four portraits, probably of Pitschieler's family members themselves, are kept in a private collection in his home town of Ortisei in Val Gardena.


  • Andreas Stolzenburg. The painter Bernardin Pittschieler / Piceller from Val Gardena. Ladinia XIV. Pp. 73-85. Institute Ladin Micura da Rü - San Martin de Tor 1990.