Platinum Noble

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Platinum Noble
Metal: 99.95% pt
Edge: corrugated
Embossing years: 1983 to 1997
1 oz Noble platinum coin obverse.png
Motive: Elizabeth II
1 oz Noble platinum coin reverse.png
Motive: Viking ship

The Platinum Noble is a platinum coin from the Isle of Man that was minted regularly from 1983 to 1989 . Thereafter the coin was minted only irregularly until 1997. The name was taken from an old gold coin . The platinum noble is better known today among collectors and investors than the “old noble”.


The coin was the world's first investment coin made of platinum and a model for subsequent platinum coins from other countries. It consists of 999.5 / 1000 platinum and was minted in denominations of 120 troy ounces up to 10 troy ounces. The obverse shows the ruling monarch of the Kingdom of Great Britain, the reverse shows a Viking ship , the circulation is a maximum of 10,000 pieces per year and size, in most cases significantly less.

Technical data of the Platin Noble
size diameter Weight Fineness
1 ounce 32.7 mm 31.119 g 99.95%
½ ounce 27.0 mm 15,600 g 99.95%
¼ ounce 22.0 mm 7.780 g 99.95%
110 ounce 16.5 mm 3.112 g 99.95%
120 ounce 13.9 mm 1.556 g 99.95%

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