Politar Andorrà

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The Politar Andorrà is a book written by the clergyman Antoni Puig in Andorra in 1763 . The book essentially summarizes the contents of the Manual Digest , which was published as early as 1748, but also contains further information, documentation and data.

The historical archives of Andorra were processed in the Manual Digest, and a number of oral traditions and moral norms were included in the form of maxims . The Manual Digest as well as the Politar Andorrà had a great influence on the Andorran rulers as well as the society of the country. Both works are considered milestones in Andorran and Catalan literature in the 18th century.

The original is in the cabinet of the seven keys in the Casa de la Vall in Andorra la Vella . Copies with slight text variations are among others in the archives of the permanent delegation of the French co-prince and in the bar in Barcelona .


  • Diccionari Enciclopèdic d'Andorra , Àlvar Valls Oliva, Fundació Crèdit Andorrà, Andorra la Vella 2006, ISBN 978-99920-1-629-9