Political ethics

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Political ethics analyzes and reflects the moral side of politics , whereby ethics is the philosophical sub-discipline (see also philosophy ) that deals methodically and systematically with the morally good and the lived ethos . First there is ethos / morality, then thinking about it, so ethics. Thinking people secure the reasons for their actions, especially in politics. It is not about politicized ethics, ethics that serve politics, but rather the question of whether and how ethical principles (principles), norms (laws and rules) and virtues (attitudes, behavioral dispositions) can be justified in politics .

On the part of an idealistic ethic, there is a danger that demands are made on politics that fail because of reality .

Political judgments are therefore not apodictic judgments about true and false, about good and bad, but rather situational, comparative (comparative) judgments about the better and more suitable means of overcoming political problems.

Political ethics is guided by goals such as peace , freedom and justice , whereby in practice it is subject to various interests of the individuals involved, the common good and the real situation of the common sense .

At the moment there is a demand that political ethics should be accompanied by political ethics. Political ethics , according to political philosopher Jürgen Manemann , sees itself as an activating ethic that aims to support and promote what it reflects on.


  • Dennis F. Thompson: Political Ethics . In: Hugh LaFollette (Ed.): The International Encyclopedia of Ethics . Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, doi : 10.1002 / 9781444367072.wbiee633 ( harvard.edu [PDF]).
  • Ulrich Arnswald, Jens Kertscher (Hrsg.): The autonomy of the political and the instrumentalization of ethics , Heidelberg: Manutius 2002, ISBN 3-934877-16-8
  • Bernhard Sutor: Small political ethics. Federal Agency for Political Education, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-89331-268-4
  • Werner Günzl: Political Ethics and Knowledge of Nature. Göttingen 2006, ISBN 3-86537-980-X

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Manemann: Plea for an activating Christian political ethic [1]