Polyakov effect

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The Polyakov action (English Polyakov action ) is the two-dimensional effect of a conformal field theory , which describes the world surface of a bosonic string . It is named after Alexander Markowitsch Polyakow .

It was introduced in 1976 by Lars Brink , Paolo Di Vecchia and PS Howe and independently of Stanley Deser and Bruno Zumino . Polyakov used it in 1981 to quantize string theory. It is equivalent to the older Nambu-Goto effect .


Parameterization of the world area of ​​an open string by σ and τ,
X 0 and X are the target space time and space coordinates.

The Polyakov effect has the following form


The symbols in this equation have the following meanings:

  • is the two-dimensional surface of the string.
  • is the string tension , which indicates how great the tendency of the string to oscillate, analogous to a rubber band, which also has a certain internal tension. This parameter is a free parameter of the theory and determines z. B. the mass of the excited states in a quantized theory. The so-called regge slope parameter is often used instead of , for historical reasons.
  • is an independent metric on the surface of the world (the indices take the values ​​0 and 1), which is only introduced as an auxiliary variable, since it does not represent a dynamic field and can be eliminated by using the equations of motion (this leads to the Nambu-Goto effect ).
  • is the determinant of . The signature of the metric is chosen so that time-like directions have a positive sign and space-like directions have a negative sign . The space-like world surface coordinate is designated with , the time- like coordinate with .
  • is the metric of the target space ( spacetime ), with the indices running from 0 to D-1 when D is the dimension of the target space.
  • The target space coordinates are through if they provide pictures of the two-dimensional world space to the tangent of the target area is so .


The effect is invariant under the following symmetry transformations :

The Weyl symmetry is characteristic of a two-dimensional theory - if one considers the effect of higher-dimensional objects, one finds that an effect proportional to their world volume contains additional terms that break the Weyl symmetry.

Equivalence to the Nambu-Goto effect

In order to show the equivalence of the Polyakov effect to the Nambu-Goto effect, it is sufficient to use the equations of motion for the induced metric on the world surface:


This can be used to eliminate from the effect and you get exactly the Nambu-Goto effect


Individual evidence

  1. Brink, Di Vecchia, Howe: A locally supersymmetric and reparametrization invariant action for the spinning string, Physics Letters B Volume 65, 1976, pp. 471-474
  2. Deser, Zumino, A complete action for the spinning string, Physics Letters B, Volume 65, 1976, p. 369
  3. Polyakov, Quantum geometry of the bosonic string, Physics Letters B, Vol. 103, 1981, p. 207