Pomeranian and Camminian spiritual consistory

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The Pomeranian and Camminsche spiritual consistory was in the 17th to 19th centuries a judicial and administrative authority of the Evangelical Lutheran Church ( consistory ) in the part of Pomerania belonging to Prussia . After its changing seats, it was sometimes referred to as the Kolberger Konsistorium , Stargarder Konsistorium and Stettiner Konsistorium .

After the Thirty Years War , with the Peace of Westphalia, East Pomerania came to Brandenburg , the land previously owned by Sweden was handed over in 1653. As part of the reorganization of the judicial and administrative authorities, the Pomeranian and Camminsche spiritual consistory was established in 1653. It was initially located in Kolberg , where the Kolberg consistory for the monastery area of ​​the diocese of Cammin had already existed from 1563 to 1645 and where the other state authorities were now also established. In 1668 the consistory, like the other regional authorities, was relocated from Kolberg to Stargard in Pomerania . In the meantime it was relocated back to Kolberg from 1683 to 1686 and then came to Stettin in 1738 .

Members of the consistory were the director, four ecclesiastical councils, including the general superintendent, and two secular councilors.

The area of ​​eastern Pomerania, the so-called Hinterkreise, was spun off in 1747 and assigned to a newly founded Köslin consistory .

As of 1779, the area of ​​responsibility of the Pomeranian and Cammin clerical consistory included ten synods in Western Pomerania ( Old Western Pomerania ) and 17 synods in Western Pomerania.

As part of the reorganization of the Protestant church administration in Prussia, the old consistory was moved back to Stargard in 1814 and existed there for some time as a spiritual court. Its tasks as an administrative authority were transferred to the newly created consistory of the Pomeranian province with its seat in the provincial capital of Szczecin.

Files of the consistory are now in the Archiwum Państwowe w Szczecinie (State Archive Stettin) , a small part in the State Archive Greifswald .




  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania. I. part. General introduction and description of the Prussian West Pomerania. Stettin 1779, S. LXXXV-LXXXVII. ( Online )
  2. ^ Archive guide Stettin at the BKGE