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Popteen ( Japanese ポ ッ プ テ ィ ー ン , Popputīn ) is a monthly Japanese fashion magazine of the Kadokawa Haruki Corporation, which is mainly assigned to the Gyaru style (cf. Kogyaru ). The first issue appeared on October 1, 1980, by Kadokawa Shoten. The publisher Asuka Shisha bought the magazine later for 200 million yen . From 1994 it was released by the Kadokawa Haruki Corporation , which acquired it for 600 million JPY. Popteen became their most famous publication.

Popteen is one of the most popular fashion magazines in Asia, but it is only sold in Japan. Artists who have already appeared on the cover include Kumi Koda , Avril Lavigne , Britney Spears , Namie Amuro , Fergie , Ayumi Hamasaki and Kumiko Funayama .

The magazine is one of the magazines that use “doku-mo” ( 読 者 モ デ ル , Dokusha moderu , for example: “reader model”), which means that readers can also model for the magazine. A well-known former Popteen model is Tsubasa Masuwaka , whose last Popteen appearance was in February 2008. Since April 2010 she has been the model for a new magazine, for “Pop Sister”, the “big sister” of Popteen, so to speak.

Popteen Models

All Popteen models have a nickname that is derived from their real name: (Kumiko → Kumicky)

  • Miki Kawanishi ( 河西 美 希 ), short: Mikipon
  • Misaki Izuoka ( 出 岡 美 咲 ), short: Izu
  • Kumiko Funayama ( 舟山 九 美 子 ), short: Kumicky
  • Mari Murata ( 村田 莉 ), short: Marimo
  • Rie Matsuoka ( 松岡 里 枝 ), short: Okarie
  • Hikari Shiina ( 椎 名 ひ か り ), short: Pikari
  • Mai Hirose ( 廣 瀬 麻 伊 ), short: Maimai
  • Mizuki Nishikawa ( 西川瑞希 ), short: Mizukitty
  • Natsuko Matsumoto ( 松本 な つ 子 ), short: Otsuko
  • Yukiko Sano ( 佐野友 妃子 ), short: Yukinoko

Former models

  • Tsubasa Masuwaka ( 益 若 つ ば さ )
  • Aiku Maikawa ( 舞 川 あ い く )
  • Tomoko Higuchi ( 樋 口 智子 )
  • Jun Komori ( 小森 純 )
  • Yui Kanno ( 菅 野 結 以 )
  • Kana Hoshino ( 星野 加奈 )
  • Wei Son ( 孫 暐 )
  • Eri Aoki ( 青木 英 李 )
  • Nana Suzuki ( 鈴木 奈 々 )
  • Rui Kotobuki ( 寿 る い )