Portmanteau theorem

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The Portmanteau theorem , also called the Portmanteau theorem (alternative spelling also Portemanteau theorem or Portemanteau theorem ) is a theorem from the mathematical sub-areas of stochastics and measure theory . It lists equivalent conditions for the weak convergence of measures and their special case, the convergence in distribution of random variables . In some situations these conditions are easier to calculate than the definition of weak convergence. The sentence goes back to a work by Pawel Sergejewitsch Alexandrow from 1940, but is formulated in a wide variety of variants, different notation and generality, and is partly supplemented with independent mathematical sentences.


The Portmanteau theorem essentially consists of three different types of statements:

  1. The behavior of the sequences of (probability) measures on certain sets
  2. The behavior in the formation of expected values ​​/ integration of certain function classes
  3. Independent mathematical sentences that are included in the list.

These will vary depending on the author


Accordingly, many different formulations can be found in the literature. On the one hand, this article contains a formulation for the convergence in the distribution of real-valued random variables, which contains the most important statements for stochastics. The second formulation is a general, mass theoretical one. It can be adapted to special cases by applying appropriate restrictions.

Abbreviations and preliminary remarks

Important for the formulation of the theorem are the so- called - borderless sets , also called - continuity sets . If a Borel measure is on a Hausdorff space and Borel’s σ-algebra , then a set is called a -borderless set if its boundary is a -null set. It then applies


where denotes the conclusion and the interior of the set .

Furthermore, be

  • the space of uniformly continuous bounded functions
  • the space of limited functions on
  • the space of Lipschitz continuous functions on
  • the set of all discontinuities of the function

Formulation for distribution convergence of real random variables

Let be real-valued random variables. Then are equivalent:

  1. They converge in distribution to
  2. The distribution functions converge at every point of continuity from pointwise to ( Helly-Bray's theorem ).
  3. The characteristic functions converge pointwise to ( Lévy's continuity theorem )
  4. It applies to everyone :
  5. It's for everyone - rimless quantities.
  6. The following applies to all open quantities
  7. For all closed sets applies

Dimension theory formulation

A metric space and the corresponding Borel σ-algebra are given . The following statements are equivalent for finite dimensions in the measuring space :

  • They converge weakly against
  • For all true
  • For all true
  • For all measurable with applies
  • For each -randlose amount applies
  • It is and for every open set is
  • It is and for each closed set is

If also local compact and Polish , the list can be expanded to include the following two statements:

  • They vaguely converge on and
  • They vaguely converge on and

For finite dimensions, the following also applies:

  • A sequence of finite measures on converges weakly to a measure if and only if a real sequence exists, so that the sequence of distribution functions (in the sense of measure theory) converges weakly on the distribution function of ( Helly-Bray theorem ).

Further formulations

There are other equivalent formulations for weak convergence. Sometimes there are other separating families (differentiable functions, restriction of properties by validity with the exception of a zero set, etc.). Not all of them are listed here.

There are also equivalent formulations of weak convergence, which are usually not included in the theorem. This includes, for example, the metrization of the corresponding topology using the Prokhorov metric or tightness criteria for the sequence of probability measures.


  1. Kusolitsch: Measure and probability theory. 2009, p. 290.
  2. ^ RM Dudley: Real analysis and probability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002, ISBN 0-521-00754-2 , p. 433.
