Sub-probability measure

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A sub-probability measure , also called a sub-probability distribution , is a set function in stochastics that represents a generalization of the probability measures . In contrast to probability measures, with sub-probability measures the superset is always assigned a number less than or equal to 1 and not exactly 1.


A sub-probability measure is a set function

on a measurement space , i.e. a basic set and a σ-algebra over this basic set with the following properties:

  • σ-additivity : For every countable sequence of pairwise disjoint setsfromtrue
  • It is .

Elementary properties

The finite signed dimensions over a common measurement space form a real vector space . In this space, the sub-probability measures contain the set of probability measures as a convex subset ; conversely, the sub-probability measures themselves form a convex subset of the finite measures and thus inherit many of their properties. As an example:

  • It is
  • Monotony : A sub-probability measure is a monotonous mapping from to , that is to say applies to
  • σ-subadditivity : For any sequenceof sets inis true.
  • σ-continuity from below : Isa monotonic against increasing set sequence in, so, so is.
  • σ-continuity from above : Ifa monotonic against decreasing set sequence in, so, then is.

Properties on different floor spaces

The properties of sub-probability measures depending on the structure of the basic spaces ( topological space , metric space , Polish space , etc.) essentially correspond to the properties of finite measures on these spaces and are explained in detail in the article there.

One of the few differences between sub-probability measures and finite measures is that sequences or sets of sub-probability measures are always bounded. A sequence of dimensions is called limited if is. With the here is total variation norm referred. However, this is always true for sub-probability measures, since by definition

is. This leads, for example, to alternative formulations in Prokhorov's theorem , since then the restriction can be dispensed with. It then reads:

  • If a separable metric space and a set of sub-probability measures on Borel's σ-algebra is tight , then the set is relatively compact in terms of weak convergence .
  • If a Polish space, then a set of sub-probability measures is relatively sequentially compact with respect to weak convergence if and only if the set is tight .

Furthermore, there are special formulations of the Portmanteau theorem for sub-probability measures.
