Cão da Serra de Aires

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Cão da Serra de Aires
Cão da Serra de Aires
FCI Standard No. 93
Origin :


Withers height:

Males: 45–55 cm.
Bitches: 42–52 cm


17-27 kg

List of domestic dogs

The Cão da Serra de Aires is a dog breed from Portugal recognized by the FCI ( No. 93, Gr. 1 Sec. 1 ) . He has been listed by the AKC since October 2012 with a view to possible recognition as a Portuguese Sheepdog in the Foundation Stock Service .

Origin and history

The origin is not clear. One trace leads to Count Castro Guimaraes, who introduced and further developed dogs of the Berger de Brie breed , another theory says that the Berger des Pyrénées is the origin and only Berger de Brie were crossed.


The dog is medium-sized up to 55 cm and weighs 27 kg. He is said to have an ape-like appearance and "demeanor", which is why he is also called a monkey dog ​​in his homeland. His hair is very long, straight and at most a little wavy, reminiscent of goat hair to the touch. The monkey-like facial expression is characterized by the long hair on the chin, eyebrows and mustache, but the eyes are always visible. The hair covers the whole body, even between the toes. There is no undercoat. There are many colors: yellow, brown, gray, tan and wolf gray, each in a light, normal or dark tint, as well as black with more or less strong red-brown markings, whether with or without white hairs, but never with white spots, except for one small white spot on the chest. The ears are set high and dropping without kink, triangular, of medium length, thin and smooth. The tail is set high, reaching to the hock.


In the Alentejo he is used to guard and drive herds of all kinds. He is valued for his skillful way of keeping the herds together on the pasture and fetching runaways back.

Web links

Commons : Cao de Serra de Aires  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Portuguese Sheepdog on the AKC website