Pot belge

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Pot belge ( German : Belgian mixture ) is an expression that can be traced back to doping in professional cycling . It is a mixture of amphetamines , narcotics , heroin and cocaine , sometimes also with corticosteroids . The willingness to perform and the ability of athletes to suffer increases rapidly due to this explosive mixture . It cannot be ruled out that some unexplained cycling deaths have been caused by these cocktails. After taking it, the drivers are no longer able to perceive the performance limits of their bodies and can literally torment themselves to death.

An example of this type of doping is an incident involving the ag2r Prévoyance team in the course of the so-called "Cahors Affair" in 2006. The accused at the time was the sports director of the ag2r Prévoyance team , Laurent Biondi . He, himself world champion in points race in 1990, was sentenced to three months probation, but denied being involved or responsible until the end. It was about the discovery of 83 drug cocktails ("Pot belge") in the French city of Lot , which were supposedly intended for professional cyclists. Biondi's co-defendant Laurent Roux confessed and was imprisoned for 30 months, 20 of which were suspended.

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  1. ^ DR Mottram: "Drugs in Sport", 3rd edition, 2002, ISBN 0415248868 , pp. 130f.